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Dortmund/Munich |

adesso develops new portal solution for legal training in the Free State of Bavaria

The Bavarian State Ministry of Justice has entrusted the design and new development of its central specialist system for the management of junior lawyer training and legal state examinations in Bavaria. As part of the JUSTA project, adesso will produce a new web-based system to replace the existing system, RAS.

The roll out of the new application to all bodies involved in the administration of legal training and examinations in the Free State of Bavaria is scheduled for early summer 2019. As part of the agreement regarding the JUSTA project, the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice has concluded a maintenance and further development contract for the solution until April 2021.

To work in the traditional legal professions in Germany, including as a judge, public prosecutor, lawyer, senior administrative official or notary, you must first successfully complete a law degree. That includes an initial legal examination, including state and university elements, followed by a traineeship or legal internship and a second and final state legal examination. The state element of the first legal examination and the second state legal examination are administered by the state legal examination offices of the federal states. During their internship, the prospective lawyer completes a varied training phase in various required and optional positions at district and state courts, the public prosecutor's office, administrative authorities and lawyer's offices, in a process administered and managed by the state training authorities.

In the past, in Bavaria, that process was managed using a programme called RAS (Rechtsreferendar-Ausbildung und Juristische Staatsprüfungen – Junior Lawyer Training and State Legal Examinations). After more than ten years, the State Ministry of Justice and adesso have transferred that process to a modern Java-based web portal solution, including numerous interfacing systems.

The newly created programme, JUSTA, thereby meets the latest requirements and will be adapted and developed to keep pace with future conditions. In the future, it will support the legal authorities and local government in the planning and execution of state exams and the entire two-year legal internship process.

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