Employees in conversation

Research and Innovation

Everything you need to know about our research projects, cooperations and knowledge transfer

Linking Technology, Research and Science

As an innovative IT service provider, adesso is always close to the current and future needs of companies. We help to shape tomorrow's solutions through our research activities: We deal with the latest technologies for and with our customers, covering the entire value chain. In doing so, we rely on various cooperations in technology, science, research and teaching.

Logo adesso research

In this way, we not only live up to our claim to be a technology leader and continue to expand this role, but also create a corporate culture that promotes creative and innovative thinking, allows for innovation, sees change as the norm, and equips tomorrow's IT professionals with the appropriate job and skills profiles.

Research and teaching benefit us and our customers in equal measure.

Our topics at a glance

Do you have any questions?

Do you have questions about research and teaching at adesso or would you like to learn more about our research projects and cooperations? Get in touch with me.


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