Photo of two adesso employees while communicating

Modernisation factory

The link between professionality and IT

Despite all of the challenges with which public administration is confronted, procedure models and tools must not focus on IT or on the expertise of consultancy companies. Instead, they should focus on the crucial success factor – the people involved – and offer tangible, manageable solutions.


The integrated solution-finding approach of the modernisation factory consists of approaches, methods and tools. It forms a bridge between professionality (business processes) and IT (service provision). On both sides of the bridge, the human – the crucial success factor – takes centre stage. We use core elements – the Interaction Room, design thinking, agile S-BPM and EAM – to enable our clients to meet the goals they have for their (IT) programmes in a flexible, collaborative and coordinated way that is based on a widely-accepted, standardised and cooperative approach. This applies to every single individual project. Even during the individual projects, there is a multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge regarding the project’s key issues, which ensures that this knowledge is embedded into the management tools.

Do you have questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.


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