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Solutions for digital management

Changes and new opportunities for public administration

Digitalisation and disruptive technologies have now also reached public administration. They are leading to a fundamental change to and expansion of the possibilities in administrative work. Plus, they create new ways for public institutions to communicate and work together, both with each other and with citizens. New opportunities are pitted against big challenges.

Agile management l Work 4.0 l Cloud l Innovation management l Artificial intelligence (AI)l Online Access Act l Implementing the laws concerning e-government l E-procurement

Agile management

The progresses being made in the digitalisation process, as well as a cultural, social and demographic change, are leading to profound changes in the German workplace. Work processes and activities are changing fundamentally and new forms of cross-divisional cooperation are emerging, which in turn leads to new demands on organisational structures. In the future, this will require more and more qualified employees with IT skills.

An integral part of the transformation process is the need to provide support to change management. In doing so, we provide you with holistic support in the formation of understanding, process support and training for software implementation. We have years of experience in introducing agile methods (such as Scrum or Kanban) and in coaching managers with regard to the culture of innovation.

We support you in the transformation of work forms and working conditions; cue Work 4.0. These include establishing a digital and flexible working culture, promoting collaboration, introducing new working models and creating and implementing a comprehensive knowledge management concept.

An actively guided change management system increases acceptance and leads to a successful introduction of IT projects as well as their establishment in your organisation. In addition, strengthening IT skills increases the quality of work and productivity. Overarching knowledge management leads to improved decision-making, increases the capacity for innovation and ensures the transfer of knowledge across generations of employees.

Initiative D21 e.V.

As a partner of Partner der Initiative D21 e.V., adesso is once again supporting the realisation of the study this year as a specialist premium partner.

Work 4.0

The concept behind Work 4.0 focuses on all fields of action in the world of life and work as a component of the fourth industrial revolution. Organisations are faced with the challenge of providing hardware and software components for their employees in such a way that they comply with the necessary IT security standards and support agile work processes within the framework of flexible working hours and space concepts. In this context, it is necessary to further qualify your employees for the new framework conditions of Work 4.0.

We determine the collaboration experiences of your employees and support you in responding to continuously changing tasks in a target-oriented way after reviewing your Collaboration Readiness report or our Online Digital Multiplier Programme (ODMP). In addition, you can experience and try out scenarios as the head of a hybrid project team and virtual collaboration together with us in a ‘remote interaction room’.

The way employees of organisations work together in the future is in a constant state of flux and is being put to the test every day, especially during the global pandemic right now. Based on different methods and approaches, we identify the necessary fields of action and measures together with you in order to establish a sustainable and goal-oriented roadmap for your organisation with regard to Work 4.0.


The current Garnter study shows that more than half of the CEOs surveyed consider the topic of the cloud in their companies to be a disruptor of technology and the shortage of skilled workers to be the greatest challenge for the cloud transformation. Companies lack qualified cloud engineers as well as the expertise to master the proven cloud strategy and the complex technology stack in this area. The respondents also rated the topics of security and data protection as extremely important aspects for cloud migration.

adesso offers you frameworks and proven methods for the implementation of cloud transformation projects. Our state-of-the-art cloud technologies, services and products are complemented by the security of the technological cloud readiness perspective. We consider security a fundamental task. In terms of security, our highly qualified cloud experts support you in successfully shaping the paradigm shift leveraging our specialised cloud services.

To help your company achieve the goals you choose fast and securely, we have developed a broad set of competencies and technologies with the adesso Cloud Platform Factory, which bundles a range of technologies, project methods and best practices. Thanks to this standardised and automated framework, the path to an individual cloud infrastructure is safer, cheaper and faster.

The right strategy for your cloud project

Agile and highly scalable, flexibly configurable, and with automated availability – the cloud fits all the requirements for the digital transformation. Competitive advantages and time-to-market are the primary goals lining the route to the cloud.

Learn more about the cloud at adesso

Innovation management

As part of the Online Access Act, administrative services must be offered in a service and user-oriented manner in the network of portals according to maturity level 3 by the end of 2022 (Sections 1–11 of the Online Access Act). It is unclear what the impact of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the cloud, the Internet of Things, blockchain and green IT, will be on the organisation and collaboration within public administrations. A digitalisation strategy is essential to enable a sustainable change of complex processes in line with new technologies.

We will analyse the IT status and develop a digital target image together with you in the first step. Established methods such as design thinking or the interaction room are used to identify fields of action and challenges and to derive specific measures. We identify suitable technologies based on our cross-sector expertise in the trend lab. In addition, as an end-to-end service provider for all project phases, adesso offers you a team of consultants, analysts and fullstack developers with experience in the public sector. In this way, we can develop and implement customised and innovative solutions.

By identifying the status quo AND taking into account digital technologies as well as the software and process landscape, adesso enables you to implement an individual digitalisation strategy. Among our focus topics are the consolidation and standardisation of the IT infrastructure, which leads to a reduction in bureaucracy and the implementation of user-centred and service-oriented services in line with the Online Access Act. We rethink the concept of public administration and offer you customised and innovative solutions that take into account all the needs of all stakeholders.

Designing attractive and implementable future scenarios to ensure greater confidence in making decisions

The high level of technology, availability of data and social trends offer vast future potential. However, many innovation projects are stopped early or do not achieve the necessary acceptance in everyday life. It is not enough to have good ideas and implement them technically. Imagination is also required when it comes to future scenarios, the critical shaping of ideas and early initialisation of changes – all within a managed framework.

Learn more about innovation management

Artificial intelligence (AI)

The public administration as the public face of the state is in the spotlight as digitalisation becomes more widespread. People are expecting more and more that services are reliable and secure. In the course of new digital procedures and modernisation approaches, solutions are needed that are easily accessible for all citizens. Up-to-date software is the key to digitalising the interface with citizens as well as with inner-agency processes. A central component of the digitalisation strategy here is the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Our experts have many years of experience in implementing AI projects in the public sector. We use our proven AI development concept and rely on joint cooperation to meet your requirements efficiently so we can support your project from the requirements analysis to the design and from model development to implementation.

Leverage the benefits of our modern solutions in the AI environment, which are precisely tailored to the problems and challenges in the public administration sector. AI methods enable you to face the current and future challenges in the public authorities for which you are responsible, while creating more free space for important tasks in providing services to citizens. The possibilities range from the automation of repetitive tasks to the detection of suspicious activities in process flows.

Simply contact us and we will find the right solution together.

Online Access Act

The German Online Access Act obliges the government, the federal states and local authorities to offer their administrative services both physically and digitally via administrative portals by the end of 2022. The implementation of the Online Access Act is sub-divided into topics, and the digitalisation of Online Access Act services into implementation projects. However, many implementation projects are still in the project initialisation phase. It is risky to complete the project within the statutory deadline due to the two different programmes, which requires a lot of coordination, and the little time that is remaining.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection coordinates the various implementation projects for the environment. In particular, the implementation of the Online Access Act services of the state and local digitalisation programme requires close communication between the government and the federal states. To ensure this, the Federal Ministry for the Environment needs support services. In our consulting services, we focus on the provision of external project management, which can be used by all implementation projects in the relevant topic.

Implementation project managers can quickly and easily equip their implementation projects with additional project management expertise through our service. This makes it easier for project staff to manage and execute implementation projects across all project phases, thereby increasing the likelihood of timely and successful project completion.

What is the Online Access Act?

What exactly is behind the term "Online Access Act"? Why is the Online Access Act important for Germany? What are the concrete challenges and what is the implementation like? Our blog post answers these open questions.

To the blog post

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Implementing the laws concerning e-government

The German law concerning e-government (EGovG) enables and obliges the federal government, states and municipalities to offer electronic administration services that are simpler, more user-friendly and more efficient. This is accompanied by digitalisation and far-reaching measures to promote digital administration.

The key elements of the federal government’s e-governance law and the corresponding federal state laws are as follows:

  • The documentation and analysis of the affected business processes within the public authority
  • The use of electronic file management to provide the best possible support for optimised processes

You can benefit from our sector-specific expertise – we offer you our services as you journey towards digital administration.


Following reforms to public procurement law, public bodies (as the contracting party) and private companies (as the tenderer) are now required to use electronic communications for all EU tenders above the prescribed threshold.

To meet this requirement, e-Vergabe, the German government’s tendering platform, handles tender processes digitally – from the call for tender to awarding the contract – across Germany and Europe.The newly created platform provides an efficient, easy-to-use solution for both contracting authorities and private companies alike.

For many years, adesso has been supporting the Public Procurement Office of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior in the maintenance and development of the federal government’s e-tendering platform, which is used for the majority of the tender processes carried out in Germany. Updates are made to the platformall the time to implement legal requirements, such as EU procurement directives and national regulations, as well as integrate functionalities, for example, to support the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) or German Procurement Statistics Regulation (VergStatVO).

Our many years of experience in implementing electronic procurement systems allow us to quickly and reliably record and implement requirements under public procurement law at both an EU and a national level.

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