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adesso Blog


At the end of February 2024, the International Association of Standardisation Organisations (IAF/ISO) decided to include the aspect of climate change and climate adaptation as a mandatory addition to the existing standard requirements in chapters 4.1 and 4.2. This blog post presents topics that may become relevant for companies in this context.

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Multiplexing is about how different connections are bundled to enable access to servers and services. In this blog post, I will show you exactly what multiplexing means, how this technology works and what different types there are.

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10.07.2024 By Andreas Strunz

GPT-4o for the financial sector

Picture Andreas Strunz

On 13 May 2024, Open AI published the new Large Language Model GPT-4o. The ‘o’ stands for ‘omni’ and already points to one of the model's great strengths, namely the intelligent interaction of text, audio and images. In my blog post, I show what these new possibilities mean for Gen AI use cases in the financial sector.

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Imagine an insurance company decides to modernise its entire IT landscape. The technology is ready, the plans are drawn up, and yet the project encounters unexpected obstacles. The reason? No, not the poor preparation phase this time. The human factor. In this blog post, I highlight the human aspects of IT transformations in the German insurance industry and show why they often mean the difference between success and failure.

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Environmental awareness and sustainability are becoming increasingly important. Companies are faced with the challenge of making their business activities and their environmental impact transparent and credible. In my blog post, you can find out how the right data can help to meet these requirements and why it is the key to a company's future viability.

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This is the first part of my three-part blog post on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the insurance industry. In this first part, I focus on the general opportunities and challenges of AI as well as specific applications of generative AI. The focus is on marketing and sales.

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Digital Experience

In our blog post, you can find out about the benefits of the new focal partnership between the SAP Commerce Cloud as a shop solution and Contentful as a CMS.

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Snowflake is a comprehensive data platform that is predestined for numerous workloads, including data science and AI/Ml. The first part of my blog post on Snowflake's AI capabilities explores the current capabilities for end-to-end machine learning on a single platform based on enterprise-managed data.

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01.07.2024 By Milena Fluck and Andy Schmidt

Decision Making under Uncertainty


Most decisions are made under uncertainty. The real world is an intangible system with a high degree of complexity and a multitude of dependencies. But how exactly does making decisions under uncertainty work? This blog post presents three main strands that are used in research for this purpose.

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