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adesso Blog

Digital Experience

Many service organisations use field service management solutions in their after-sales service. In my blog posts, I will explain what the status quo looks like in terms of field service management and exactly where the journey is heading.

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17.11.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen

Habeck announces restart of smart meter rollout


Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, announced a restart of the rollout on 20 October 2022. In order to remove the legal and bureaucratic hurdles, a package of measures is to be developed and presented together with the industry that will significantly accelerate and simplify the rollout. We reveal what the new start looks like in our blog post.

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When it comes to company pension schemes, employees can demand that their employer use a part of their future earnings for their company pension scheme via deferred compensation. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) wants to increase the contribution assessment ceiling for the year 2023. How and to what extent are company pension schemes affected by this change? What challenges does this pose for companies, employees, insurance companies and pension providers? And how can these be overcome? You can find answers to these questions in the following blog post.

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Digital Experience

09.11.2022 By Axel Ziegler

#3 – DAM Maturity Model

Picture Axel Ziegler

Having learned about the importance of digital asset management systems, the tasks they perform and the benefits they bring in the first two blog posts in this series, I would now like to use this third blog post to explain how to assess companies on how efficiently they manage their media.

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08.11.2022 By Louisa Burakowski

Anyone can work with data, right?

Picture Louisa Burakowski

Dealing with data is becoming an indispensable core skill and one that is always needed when companies want to make decisions and answer new questions regarding organisation, processes, strategy, products and services. The organisation, processes and responsibilities across all organisational levels must revolve around data. In my blog post, I will present the topics that a company should focus on in this regard.

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Inside adesso

A growing awareness of sustainability in the IT sector is driving various organisations’ endeavours to establish a standard for digital sustainability. Experts expect this to happen in the next one to two years. In my blog post, I will show you which sustainability criteria are up for discussion and where the journey could lead.

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No Scrum values, no successful application. The Scrum Guide leaves us with many uncertainties. We have to find a solution ourselves using the values and framework. However, applying Scrum successfully depends on whether people are able to live out the five Scrum values. In my blog post, I will show you why this is important.

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Inside adesso

Economic success is only one aspect of a healthy company – corporate culture is another important factor. That being said, culture is not something static, but rather it is constantly changing. In our blog post, we would like to share our thoughts on corporate cultures in dynamic environments with you. Ultimately, managers, recruiting, collaboration and communication are elements that will determine how our culture will evolve.

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Inside adesso

Economic success is only one aspect of a healthy company – corporate culture is another important factor. That being said, culture is not something static, but rather it is constantly changing. In our blog post, we would like to share our thoughts on corporate cultures in dynamic environments with you. Ultimately, managers, recruiting, collaboration and communication are elements that will determine how our culture will evolve.

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