Furthermore, in|sure Commission ensures a reliable and sustainable commission system within the group. In private health insurance, the in|sure Health Policy portfolio management system will help optimize and automate key processes. Through the use of in|sure Health Claims, Continentale's private health insurance policyholders will benefit from uniform and expeditious benefit management.

Press Releases
Modernizing the application landscape: Continentale Versicherungsverbund relies on adesso insurance solutions
With the goal of comprehensively modernizing its application landscape, the Continentale Versicherungsverbund has decided on software made by adesso insurance solutions. In order to achieve faster turnaround times and a higher straight through processing rate in its Composite Division, the Dortmund-based insurer relies on in|sure General Claims for claims management. The Composite Division will also be using in|sure General Policy for its portfolio management going forward. A long-term maintenance agreement has been concluded for both components.
On its way to the application landscape
With the acquisition of additional software from in|sure Ecosphere, Continentale is continuing along its way to modernizing its IT. By 2026, it will have completely replaced host-based legacy systems with insurance industry standard software for core processes. "State-of-the-art, high-performance IT is a success factor for every company," emphasizes Dr. Thomas Niemöller, Chief Digital Officer at Continentale. "By digitally optimizing our processes, we are future-proofed for the long term. For this we have a strong partner at our side in adesso."

Dr. Thomas Niemöller, CDO, Continentale Source: Continentale
"We are proud to accompany Continentale on this journey," says Oliver von Ameln, Managing Director at adesso insurance solutions. "Continentale is evolving into a platform customer to whom we are proving across their various divisions that in|sure systems work interoperably, in ideal harmony for the insurance group. And they are constantly evolving."

Oliver von Ameln, Managing Director adesso insurance solutions Source: adesso insurance solutions

Contract Signing Ceremony Source: Continentale
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