Study on the future of private health insurance

Study on the future of private health insurance

Recent adesso study considers possible developments in the private health insurance sector

What role will private health insurance (PHI) play in the healthcare system of the future?

Our healthcare system is an indispensable for providing adequate healthcare to our population. However, demographic trends, political regulations, financial pressures and technological and medical advances continue to pose new challenges to the healthcare system. Accordingly, providers of private health and long-term care insurance are faced with a market that

  • is still subject to strict political regulations
  • will continue to be affected by prevailing low interest rates
  • is increasingly impacted by an ageing society
  • covers a significantly larger number of health actors than it used to
  • must increasingly adjust to the financial consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for contributions and benefits
  • drives medical innovations that significantly improve patient care and
  • is characterised by ever-increasing ties among the individual players.

What does this mean for the future of the individual players within this system? And should private health insurance redefine their role in this environment?

PHI study captures the expectations of the various players in the healthcare system

Our recent study, which was carried out in collaboration with Versicherungsforen Leipzig, sketches a picture of the future in view of the current political, socio-demographic, economic and technological challenges currently facing our healthcare system. It also takes account of the continuing coronavirus pandemic, and defines the role of private health insurance in this context.

Topics and issues addressed by the PHI study:

1. Expert interviews with stakeholders in the healthcare market on how the market will develop in the future

2. An end-customer survey to identify requirements and problems in the healthcare system in general and in private health insurance in particular, both before and during the coronavirus pandemic

3. A brief survey of the procedural challenges faced by private health insurance providers in processing applications and benefit payments

4. Board interviews with representatives of the private health insurance industry, covering the status quo and future strategies with regard to the expected development of the healthcare market and procedural challenges

5. Identifying where the health insurance industry can take action industry as regards customer needs, future expectations, industry positioning and digitisation projects

6. An updated end-user survey and additional stakeholder and board interviews held in December 2020 and January 2021 to shed light on the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the healthcare system, as well as on private health insurance

What we can offer you

Use our study as a hands-on tool for analysing and addressing your company’s role in the healthcare system of the future. You can download the entire study here free of charge here.

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