Scientific and technological topics of high relevance are the subject of discourse in the adesso University Advisory Board. In addition, the advisory board acts as a place of exchange between science and practice. A constant transfer of knowledge takes place in both directions. Intensive co-operation between universities, colleges and adesso offices takes place particularly at regional level.

The adesso Academic Committee
Knowledge transfer between research and practical application
Interdisciplinary exchange at the highest level
A portrait of the Academic Committee

Academic Committee: Prof. Dr. Stefan Tai, Technical University Berlin, Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Dr. Angela Carell, Head of Research adesso, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel, Prof. Dr. Jens Teubner, TU Dortmund University, Prof. Dr. Kurt Schneider, University of Hanover, Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn, University of Duisburg-Essen, adesso, Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz, University of Applied Sciences Stralsund (not in picture), Prof. Dr. Norbert Siegmund, University of Leipzig (not in picture) f.l.t.r.
Dr. Angela Carell | adesso SE
Angela Carell has been Head of Research at adesso since 2011. She specialises in innovation and research management, the design of socio-technical systems and the promotion of an innovation-friendly corporate culture. In her work, she places a strong focus on application and practice-orientation. In addition to the adesso University Advisory Board and various research projects, Angela Carell is also responsible for knowledge transfer within the company. She regularly develops new formats and ideas in order to constantly give new impetus to the innovation process at adesso. She is a co-founder of the adesso University Advisory Board.
Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn | adesso SE
Volker Gruhn holds the Chair of Software Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In 1997, Volker Gruhn was appointed Professor of Practical Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Dortmund. There he researched the development of e-business applications and component-based software architectures. From 2002 to 2010, he held the Chair of Applied Telematics / e-Business at the University of Leipzig. His current research focusses on mobile applications and the effects of digital transformation, in particular the development and use of cyber-physical systems. Volker Gruhn founded today's adesso SE in 1997 and is Chairman of the Supervisory Board. In 2023, he was elected to the main board of Bitkom, the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media. The digital association Bitkom represents more than 2,000 member companies, including almost half of the 40 DAX companies and many other global players. Volker Gruhn is co-founder of the adesso University Advisory Board.
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hasselbring | CAU Kiel
Wilhelm ‘Willi’ Hasselbring has been a professor at the Institute of Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering at Kiel University since 2008. Wilhelm Hasselbring's research focuses on software development. This includes decentralised systems, grid computing and the integration of enterprise applications. Willi Hasselbring is a member and Principal Investigator in the Cluster of Excellence ‘Future Ocean’ and PhD Supervisor at the Helmholtz Research School Ocean System Science and Technology and at the Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) Willi Hasselbring is a founding member of the adesso University Advisory Board.
Prof. Dr rer. oec. Michael Klotz | Hochschule Stralsund
Michael Klotz has held a professorship for Information Management and Business Organisation at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences since 1999. Michael Klotz combines practice-orientated teaching with research in externally funded projects in the areas of governance and compliance, the results of which in turn flow into teaching. From 2005 to 2007, Michael Klotz was responsible for business development at the DAI Laboratory (Distributes Artificial Intelligence) at the Technical University of Berlin. Since 2007, Micheal Klotz has been co-editor of the journal ‘IT-Governance’ and is a founding member of the adesso university advisory board.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert | Universität Ulm
Manfred Reichert has been a university professor at the Institute for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) at the University of Ulm since 2008. Since October 2014, Manfred Reichert has been Director of DBIS and also Dean of Studies in the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. His research focusses on the development of innovative technologies for business process management, mobile processes & services and knowledge-intensive processes (e-health, vehicle development). Together with Peter Dadam, he developed the ADEPT system, which is the spearhead of flexible process management technology worldwide and which was successfully transferred into practice as part of a spin-off. Manfred Reichert has chaired the programme committees of several international conferences and is a member of the steering committee of the GI Department of Databases and Information Systems. He is a founding member of the adesso University Advisory Board.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe | RWTH Aachen
Bernhard Rumpe has been Head of the Chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen University since 2009. His research focuses on contributions to semantics and the use of modelling languages in software development (requirements, architecture, code generation, system configuration, quality management) based on the MontiCore language workbench created by his research group. This resulted in a series of combinable languages, such as UML/P, architecture modelling around MontiArc and several delta modelling languages for variant modelling. Numerous projects in the automotive sector deal with architecture, quality and requirements management in vehicles as well as intelligent driver assistance through to autonomously driving cars. Together with Robert France, Bernhard Rumpe founded the Springer International Journal on Software and Systems Modelling in 2001 and is Editor-in-Chief. Bernhard Rumpe is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering and a founding member of the adesso University Advisory Board.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kurt Schneider | Leibniz Universität Hanover
Kurt Schneider has been Head of the Software Engineering Group in the Department of Computer Science at Leibniz Universität Hannover since 2003. At DaimlerChrysler, Kurt Schneider led software research projects on agile and lightweight software engineering methods, among other things. His research focus included requirements engineering, socio-technical software engineering, software requirements and optimisation potentials of information flows and documentation of software projects with agile methods. Kurt Schneider is a member of the steering committee of the GI specialist group Requirements Engineering and Scientific Advisory Board of the Know-Centre, Graz and has been a member of the adesso University Advisory Board since 2020.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Siegmund | Universität Leipzig
Norbert Siegmund heads the Department of Software Systems at Leipzig University. His research interests are at the interface of software engineering and artificial intelligence / machine learning. He is author or co-author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications. Norbert Siegmund is regularly involved in various programme committees of high-level international conferences. He received the Best Paper Award at the International Software Product Lines Conference and the prestigious ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the highest-ranking software engineering conference. He received awards from the Karin-Witte Association, teaching awards from the Bauhaus University Weimar and the University of Magdeburg. He also received the award for the best open source project in Thuringia in 2020. Norbert Siegmund is the head of the Agile-AI AI lab and has been a member of the adesso University Advisory Board since 2024.
Prof. Dr. Ing. Stefan Tai | TU Berlin
Stefan Tai is Head of the Chair of Information Systems Engineering at the TU Berlin. Stefan Tai specialises in the development of modern distributed software systems. His research interests lie at the interface of distributed, decentralised systems and software systems engineering. He has made significant contributions to the fields of privacy-preserved blockchain and cloud service engineering. Stefan Tai is editor of several scientific journals and member of technical programme committees of internationally renowned conferences. Before taking over the chair at TU Berlin, Stefan Tai conducted research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in New York, among others. Stefan Tai is a founding member of the adesso University Advisory Board.
Prof. Dr. Jens Teubner | TU Dortmund
Jens Teubner has headed the Chair of Databases and Information Systems at TU Dortmund University since April 2013. Prior to this, he was a postdoctoral researcher and senior assistant at the IBM T.J. Watson research laboratory in the USA and in the Systems Group at ETH Zurich. Jens Teubner's research focusses on the implementation of database systems on modern computer architectures. The Avalanche research project he founded at ETH Zurich quickly became an international leader in the use of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to accelerate database tasks. He is co-developer of the currently fastest join implementation for modern main memory database systems and showed how network cards with hardware acceleration (so-called Remote Direct Memory Access, RDMA) can be used particularly efficiently for distributed databases. Jens Teubner has been a member of the adesso University Advisory Board since 2019.
Prof. Dr. Heike Trautmann l Universität Paderborn
Heike Trautmann is Professor of Machine Learning and Optimisation at Paderborn University and (Visiting) Professor of Data Science in the Data Management and Biometrics Group at the University of Twente (NL). In her research she focuses on (trustworthy) artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, automated algorithm selection and configuration, (multi-objective) evolutionary optimisation and computational social science. She is also a key supporter of the Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE) and a member of the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) and the European Research Centres for Information Systems (ERCIS).
>> Today, practice must cooperate much more closely with science in order to meet the current and future challenges of a digital world. This is why our advisory board combines adesso's expertise with that of our university partners. Together, we want to develop and realise sustainable ideas and thus become an innovator for the IT industry.
Prof Dr Volker Gruhn, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adesso SE

Selected university and research collaborations
Interview: What is the idea behind the adesso Academic Committee?
Dr Angela Carell – responsible for research at adesso – explains in an interview what the idea behind the adesso Academic Committee is.
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