
Press Releases

Cologne/Dortmund |

Following premium hike: 38 % of customers considering a switch in health insurer

Health insurance premiums have recently been increased for some 52 % of Germans. The changes affect statutory health insurance providers and private insurers alike. However, insurers don’t appear to be communicating the changes very well, with 58 % of customers stating that they don’t really understand the reasons for the increase. Some 38 % of respondents said they were considering a switch in health insurance provider due to the increased premiums. The study was conducted on behalf of the InsurTech company PBM Personal Business Machine AG and the IT service provider adesso.

The survey doesn’t make good reading for the health insurers, particularly in relation to their communication of premium rises. It found that 40 % of respondents did not think that the increase was justified or could not recall the changes being explained to them. Most insurers cited “a general rise in costs in the healthcare industry” (60 %) or “higher costs for medical treatment” (29 %) as the reason for the change.

So are rising costs the issue, or the way in which the changes have been formulated? Most insurance customers (58 %) stated that they did not understand the reasons given by the insurers. 38 % of respondents even said they were considering a switch in health insurance provider due to the increase in premiums.

“This value should now at the latest ensure in the insurance industry that more attention is paid to customer dialog. The results prove that providers have massive potential here to differentiate themselves from the competition”, says Ralf Pispers, CEO of PBM Personal Business Machine AG. Improved dialogue with customers would certainly be worth insurers’ while: 61 % of respondents said that a comprehensive explanation of the changes in premiums would “likely” or “definitely” stop them from switching providers.

The survey also shows that post remains the primary means of communication between insurers and their customers, with 77 % of customers being notified of the changes in this manner. “However, cross-media addressing via different channels is definitely desired by customers and is also possible. After all, around half of those insured have already registered with their health insurance company via an online portal or app”, adds Ralf Pispers.

Ralf Pispers

Ralf Pispers is CEO of PBM Personal Business Machine AG and Managing Director of adesso experience GmbH (Copyright: PBM Personal Business Machine AG).

Survey profile

Appinio carried out the representative online survey among 600 respondents, 300 of whom with statutory health insurance and 300 with private health insurance, in January and February 2021. The study was commissioned by the InsurTech company PBM Personal Business Machine AG and the IT service provider adesso SE.

A summary of the survey results is available using the link below (in German):

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