Bloß and Ingelmann will retain their previous roles while also acting as CSO and CRO. As a result, Ingelmann will continue to oversee the Utilities and Public business lines at adesso orange, while Bloß will continue his work as Head of the SAP Cross Industries & Digital Business business line.

Press Releases
Hameln |
adesso orange appoints Michael Bloß as Chief Sales Officer and Markus Ingelmann as Chief Revenue Officer
adesso orange, the adesso Group’s SAP subsidiary, is reorganising its pre-sales and business development activities to further support and build on the successful growth strategy of recent years. At its management meeting in early June, the Executive Board of adesso orange AG announced that Michael Bloß and Markus Ingelmann will be responsible for expanding existing business areas and developing new ones in their roles as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). As CSO, Bloß will head up the pre-sales strategy and coordinate all related activities. Ingelmann, as CRO, will be responsible for the development of sales strategies and business development opportunities. Both took up their new positions on 1 July 2024.
“I would like thank everyone for their trust and look forward to working with the sales team to position adesso orange even more successfully in the market,” says Bloß.
Ingelmann adds: “I am delighted about the trust placed in me and look forward to continuing the strategic development of adesso orange in my new position.”

Michael Bloß, Chief Sales Officer of adesso orange AG (Source: adesso)
Both Bloß and Ingelmann were already part of QUANTO AG, which became adesso orange AG in April 2021 after being integrated into the adesso Group. The new additions to the board are part of adesso orange’s plans to provide new and current customers alike with even more comprehensive support through defined measures, both with regard to the product portfolio and across all SAP components.

Markus Ingelmann, Chief Revenue Officer of adesso orange AG (Source: adesso)
“Markus Ingelmann and Michael Bloß have been part of the company for many years,” says Frank Beck, member of the Executive Board at adesso orange AG. “As partners, they have successfully contributed to strategic decisions on special investments, corporate strategy and the development of new business areas. I am very happy that they will continue to accompany adesso orange, and I firmly believe that they will continue to provide successful impetus for the company’s goals going forward.”

Frank Beck, Member of the Executive Board of adesso orange AG (Source: adesso)
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