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adesso Blog

Software Development

14.06.2021 By Dominik Wehberg

CSS cascade made easy | CSS cascading

Picture Dominik Wehberg

CSS is short for cascading style sheet. But how exactly does the cascade work? I'll explore this topic and lead you through the CSS inheritance process on the pages to follow. You will also learn all about the different types of style sheets and how the weighting of individual selectors is calculated in detail.

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Software Development

Microservices have many advantages. But the monitoring and maintenance of complex microservice architectures are time-consuming. The so-called service mesh can provide a remedy. Stephan Wies explains in this article how this works and what advantages and disadvantages it offers.

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Software Development

Data is the new gold of the digital age. So why not own as much as possible? The answer to this question is presented in the third part of my ‘privacy in software development’ blog series. I’ll also introduce you to the principle of data minimisation in more detail.

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Software Development

How nice would it be to live in a world in which you as a software user wouldn’t have to care about 99 per cent of what went on and your data would still be protected. That can be more than just a dream. In the second part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ blog series, I explain what you should keep in mind when it comes to software development and introduce the principle of privacy by default.

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Software Development

19.01.2021 By Tobias Deininger

Data protection in software development

Picture Tobias Deininger

Does the issue of data protection always give you a headache? Us developers are confronted with huge challenges time and again, especially when we’re only made aware of the requirements for the software we have to develop late on in the development phase. In the first part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ series, I would like to introduce you to the principle of privacy by design.

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Software Development

If a customer also wants their business to be present and successful on the Android and iOS mobile platforms, there is often no alternative to using a mobile app.

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Software Development

24.09.2020 By Christian Straube

Using low-code successfully is not a sure thing

Picture Christian Straube

Low-code is a paradigm in modern software development. It pursues the vision of making the development of applications accessible to people with zero or little engineering background – known as ‘citizen developers’. This is intended to make more efficient use of developer resources, which are generally scarce, primarily using working time for the implementation of functionality instead of technical foundations. Collaboration between company departments for software development also becomes much closer, and teams are able to work together more effectively to generate benefits for customers and users.

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